Your home for the most sincere and undiluted reviews about network marketing companies in Africa. GoPro Africa would guide you, advice you, and make sure you make the best decision and ultimately have fulfillment, financial freedom in mlm.
Helping hands originated from the philippines. Studying the past trend of network marketing companies, the Philippines and Chinese have played major roles in the establishment of a long list of ILLEGAL network marketing companies which have basterdized the mlm industry completely and their major dwelling place where they always succeed in spreading their Illegal network. Africans are gullible to anything "A WHITE MAN/WOMAN BRINGS". Real time statistics shows that mlm companies originating from philippines and China has been the leading cause of over 80% of scam schemes and hatred for mlm in
Africa grew massively. A long list of them who most times operate virtually, or just get a small physical office to carry out their illegal activities and after having ripped a lot of people they dissappear into thin air with all your money and funds.
Africa grew massively. A long list of them who most times operate virtually, or just get a small physical office to carry out their illegal activities and after having ripped a lot of people they dissappear into thin air with all your money and funds.
Read these very slowly and careful, If you dont get this definition am about to give then nothing in this article would make sense to you.
A Ponzi scam or Pyramid Scheme is the distribution or redistribution of investments from newer investors to older investors while the owner of the scheme takes off a CHUNK of the transfer of funds. Commissions in a Ponzi scheme are only paid on recruitment and eventually the number of new recruits fails to sustain the payment structure, and the scheme collapses with most people losing the money they paid in.
Helping hands international is a non governmental organization who embraced the network marketing model system of leverage claiming to offer services. In reality when there is no sales of PRODUCTs and SERVICES are being rendered then business is ON.
The first question i would want you to ask yourself before you continue reading this article is this;
If your answer is To grow residual passive income which leads to financial freedom then some issues have to be understood before i explain h2i business plan.
If you just want to join a chain of people whose duty is to rip people off their money and sell dreams to them then i'll propose you stop reading this article NOW.
There are 2 types of people in business. Those who LOOK at a business plan and those who SEEs a business plan. Ladies and Gentlemen there is a huge difference between looking and seeing. Anyone can look at a business model but only the smart and wise ones have the ability to SEE beyond. In most of my trainings and financial empowerment programmes, i like saying that "a person who can SEE far i call a Pharisee and he who cannot see far is a Nearisee".
The goal of anyone joining a multi level marketing company should be to build residual income to have financial freedom.
Many people have gotten this goal twisted.
GoPro Africa defines Residual passive income has the income that keeps coming when the effort in producing or providing it has stopped.
Ladies and Gentlemen you dont get residual income, you BUILD it, let no company deceive you that when you attain a particular rank, or level you start getting residual income. NO.
There are so many business vehicles that can give you residual income. For instance Real estate provides Residual passive income, even if it takes you 5years for you to raise a building structure, as long as that structure stands people would keep renting it and your income flows even when the effort in raising the structure has been long gone.
Online betting platforms in my current research now gives residual income to the owners. For example, Nairabet, Bet9ja, Merrybet etc. Do you know that as long as you place a bet using any of these platforms either you win or loose the owners of the platform makes commissions. Sincerely, he/she is not interested in knowing if you are winning or not. They spend more time preaching dreams, and showing how people have earned millions just to make sure you place the bet. Yes it is true some have earned so much, but its a one time event. Why not channel that energy into something that can keep paying you passively when there is no active activity. Now even if it took the owners 4years to own the platform, now the effort has gone but the income keeps coming. Recently, Nairabet signed "Phyno" as their brand ambassador to help stimulate the initiation of more people into cosmos of the betting syndrome regardless of the results they are getting.
He was also given a Range rover.
Now here is it. Look at the desperation in the words Phyno said on hashtag #who no play, no go chop.
Ladies and gentlemen, Just like helping hands international, you can NEVER attain this level of achievement no matter how much you spend, invest, on nairabet. (Am not saying they have similar business plan) my point is that your presence/ activity in nairabet, h2i gives the owner of the platform residual income while you are just the "TOOL". Same thing with Sure bet and "Olamide".
Now who is wiser, the owner of the platform, or you who work hard for your money and donate it them with the possibility of winning. Be wise Africans.
Network marketing is the only business vehicle you can board with the least capital base, least risk with indefinite earning potential.
Now dont get this twisted, open up your mind and read this slowly.
Network marketing involves growing a network of USERs not DISTRIBUTORs around a unique product and monthly product reorder for CONSUMPTION is what gives residual income OR growing a network of PERSONS offering a SERVICE of VALUE to Parent company.
The interaction of activity is between a Parent Company that produces the PRODUCT or Offers SERVICES to an MLM member who in-turn PROMOTES the brand by building a network of consumers around the offered Service or Products and he/she gets commissions based on the frequency of activity activated in his or her network organization. Once he/She has been able to successfully build a network of USERs around the product or services, he gets paid on each activity or usage carried by his team members and this is Residual Passive Income.
H2i tells you they offer humanitarian services, trade and skill aquisition, property, loan etc. Now join me now while we break down in sincerity the business plan of H2i.
Please pick up your calculator lets do this together.
Using an Exchange rate of N165 to $1.
Registration is N6600 ($40)
Upon payment of this fee, you dont get exchange of VALUE either in product or service from h2i, so they call it donation to become a partner. (Ponzi)
For each person you enroll, you get a referral bonus of N1320 ($8).
You complete your STAGE 1 (Associate stage when the matrix has been filled up to 6persons in your organization.
In this scenerio, you are a very smart person, so you personally enrolled the 6people.
This is a breakdown of your earnings. Remember, you are required to bring in just 2 people but in this instance, you brought in 6people.
If for each person you enroll, you are paid N1320 and there is no exchange of value for the enrollment fee, so h2i hasnt made any loss.
Lets subtract N6600 - N1320 = N5280
Helping hands international makes a profit of N5280 on each person enrolled into the system.
Your total earning potential if you enrolled the 6people to complete your associate state is N1320 * 6 = N7920. Then you also get a matrix bonus of N1650 for completing
stage 1.
Total earning = N7920 + N1650 = N9570
Total Profit to h2i = N5280 * 6 = N31680
Looking at this margin, you see how much h2i is making from just collecting money from Peter, removes a chunk of it and gives Paul the little balance.
STAGE 2 - Master Stage
Something happens in this stage which got us worried at GoPro Africa.
Your total earning potential at the end of this stage is N165000 ($1000)
Total no of people to complete this stage is 30people but these 30persons individually must have completed the stage 1 matrix, that means 30 * 6 =180people.
Total income h2i makes at this point is
N5280 * 180 = N950400
Same thing happens at the end of your stage 3 the Super master matrix.
At the end of stage 3, you receive a car from h2i.
1. Helping hand international does not provide residual income has they claim to and you cannot have financial freedom on this platform.
2. Helping hands international embraced the multi level model to umbrella a ponzi scheme. They dont offer services, the skills aquisition are very cheap and its obvious they ddnt spend much. The services offered by an mlm company should be between the company and its partners or registered members not to the external population.
3. If you want to build residual income, we at GoPro Africa wont advice you to join h2i, but if you goal is on cars, bonus, incentives and awards then you can go ahead. Cars, bonus, incentives, travel trips are by-products of chasing residual income. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you have a residual income of lets say $3000 monthly, you can afford to affect any orphanage home, impact positively to your society. I asked a lady at the Car award in Enugu, how much was her total income at the point of collecting the car and she said $3000 and i went ahead to ask if these $3000 keeps coming into her account monthly after collecting the car. She said NO.
4. If you dont want to go to build residual passive income which is the only way to have financial freedom then you can go ahead with h2i. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you enroll 20people in h2i for instance, and you finally find a genuine company you can build residual income on their platform and you go back to talk to this 20persons, they would not listen to you because to a large extent they have lost trust in you. Everybody joining your organization in any company is based on a aorta of trust. So cherish that and never toss them around.
5. Helping hand International over the years in Nigeria is one of the most sustainable Ponzi, Pyramid scheme and still trending.
6. Overall, H2i is the only mlm model in the history of network marketing in Nigeria that has given out more cars than any other.
7. In comparison with other mlm models, h2i stands alone as the quickest scheme to penetrate any kind of population without any prior skill, knowledge and education.
I would liken the model to body sprays. The original Givenchy perfume for instance sell for about N25000. You can also get a brand name Givenchy perfume for just N1000, content isn't original, container isn't, quality is extremely low compared to the original but statistically the N1000 Givenchy sells more in units than the original but its not sustainable.
For those looking for sustainability you have to get the original (Residual income), fot those looking at raising quick cash from the matrix model. (h2i does it best).
To Us at GoPro africa, we would advice, you make a decision of what you want, h2i targets the middle class and low class individuals in most location who can easily afford the registration fee with potentials to own cars, bonus and incentives. The level h2i starts paying you even when you are inactive is the highest rank, Royalty bonus but the commissions paid annually on this level CANNOT sustain you for a year. Residual passive income is completely absent from the business plan.
For those who are living below average and want to have average money or cash NOT INCOME and wants to enjoy the fascinating benefits of Leverage system earning from Other People's Effort (OPE), Other People's Money (OPM) and Other People's Time (OPT) then helping hand is a good way out for you.
Like i always say, don't join a team because someone introduced you to it, the team you join is an important factor to your growth.
I met a lady who understands the model of the mlm business, that the growth of your team member is the only determinant to your progress so she works closely with her team member to a very extreme extent to make sure they earn.
And let no one deceive you, the Level you attain where Helping hands start paying you a annually, the money being paid is not substantial and cannot be referred to has residual income. It more like a annual pension they pay you because the company feels they have enjoyed 500% of your work and effort and wants you to have 1% of that annually. A residual passive income that cannot sustain you for 3months can never lead to financial freedom.
Paul Show
GoPro Africa
I now understand a lot about this website
ReplyDeleteI now understand a lot about this website
ReplyDeleteThis is so revealing thanks to Paul Show.
ReplyDeleteHello @Paul Show,
ReplyDeletePlease my question is....
Which particular company do you approve based on your research, for me join and achieve financial freedom ?
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